Portuguese Laurel, Prunus lusitanica, Portuguese laurel Plants, Prunus Portuguese Laurel, Laurel Prunus lusitanica, Portugal laurel Prunus lusitanica, Portuguese Laurel Plant, Portuguese Laurel NZ, Prunus lusitanica NZ
Prunus lusitanicus, commonly known as the Portuguese Laurel, is a large shrub that is widely grown across the world. It features dark red stems that bear lush and dense, dark green leaves. The white flowers are small and fragrant and are followed by small, dark purple berries. It typically grows to 5 m tall and 4 m wide and can be trimmed as necessary. Prunus lusitanicus is a great plant for a large garden and is commonly used as a backdrop for smaller plants, planted for screening and shelter, used for topiary, or included in a “white” garden. Landscape designers favour Portuguese Laurels for their elegance and versatility.
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Good healthy plants. Will look great when mature
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