Juncus effusus Spiralis, Corkscrew Rush Juncus effusus Spiralis, Juncus Spiralis, Corkscrew Rush Spiralis, effusus Spiralis, Juncus spiralis Plant, Spiralis Juncus effusus, Corkscrew Grass Plant, Corkscrew Rush Plant
Juncus effusus Spiralis features unusual, spiral shaped leaves, and is commonly grown as a potted plant. The dark green leaves have a corkscrew appearance and radiate outwards from a central clump as it grows to 40 cm tall and 50 cm wide. Juncus Spiralis is commonly grown indoors or in offices where something unusual yet hardy is required. It brings an architectural flair to outdoor plantings and is often planted around pools, outdoor living areas, alongside paths, or used anywhere something interesting yet durable is required.
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