Hedera helix Needlepoint is a smaller variety of Ivy and features great foliage. The dark green leaves are long, narrow, and have a forward pointing...
Hedera Silver Variegated is a variety of Ivy grown for its attractive foliage. The leaves are broad, and variegated dark green and cream. It can...
Metrosideros carminea, commonly known as the Crimson Rata Vine, is a sturdy climber that can grow up to 15 m tall if left untrimmed. It climbs by...
Pohuehue, scientifically known as Muehlenbeckia complexa, is a low growing groundcover plant or climbing vine. This NZ native forms a dense mat of...
Pandorea rosea superba is a climber grown for its prolific and showy flowers. The bright pink, trumpet-shaped flowers with a dark pink throat are...
Plumbago Royal Cape is grown for its sprawling habit and pretty flowers. If unsupported it will grow as a rounded shrub to about 1.5 m high and...
Rose Dublin Bay is a popular and award-winning rose which can be grown as a shrub or as a climber. It features masses of double, dark red flowers...