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Plants - Screening

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Fragrant Flowers

NZ Native

Coastal Conditions


Abelia grandiflora

Abelia grandiflora, commonly known as Glossy Abelia, is grown for its lovely flowers and attractive foliage. This easy to grow plant produces masses...


Abutilon Yellow

Abutilon Yellow, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, features bright yellow, lantern-shaped flowers. The flowers...


Acacia howittii

Acacia howittii, commonly known as the Sticky Wattle tree, is a fast-growing, small tree that is grown for its weeping growth habit. The branches...


Acacia melanoxylon

Acacia melanoxylon, commonly known as the Acacia Blackwood Wattle or Australian Blackwood, is an evergreen tree that will grow rapidly to 30 m tall...


Agathis australis

Agathis australis (Kauri) is a NZ native that grows into a large and stately tree. The small leaves emerge lime green but quickly age to become a...


Alectryon excelsus

Alectryon excelsus, commonly known as Titoki or NZ Oak, is a NZ native, evergreen tree growing to about 8 m tall and 3 m wide. It carries glossy...


Aloe plicatilis

Aloe plicatilis, commonly known as the Fan Aloe, is a small, multi-branched tree that carries succulent, blue-grey leaves with an inward curve. They...


Aloe speciosa

Aloe speciosa, commonly known at the Tilt-Head Aloe, is a handsome succulent grown for its lovely form and foliage. It grows with a solitary stem...


Annona cherimola

Commonly known as Cherimoya or Custard Apple, this is an evergreen tree grown for its fruit and foliage. Large, dark green leaves are held off...


Araucaria hetrophylla

Commonly known as the Norfolk Pine, this is a large, evergreen tree that grows with a distinctive, pyramidal shape. The fresh green leaves are...


Archontophoenix cunninghamiana

Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, commonly known as the King Palm, Alexander Palm, or Bangalow Palm, this is a tall and slender Palm Tree from...


Avocado Reed

Avocado Reed is grown for its large and tasty fruit. The fruit on this variety have a thin, green skin, can weigh up to 500 grams, and have flesh...


Azara microphylla

Azara microphylla, commonly known as the Vanilla tree, is an evergreen tree grown for its form, foliage, and flowers. It features gently arching...


Baccharis pilularis

Baccharis pilularis, commonly known as Coyote Bush or Coyotebrush, is an evergreen shrub grown for its hardy nature, flowers, and insect attracting...


Bambusa textilis gracilis

Bambusa textilis Gracilis, commonly known as Slender Weavers Bamboo, is a graceful and popular variety due to its attractive foliage and impressive...


Bambusa Wang Tsai

Bambusa multiplex Wang Tsai is a variety of Bamboo grown for its colourful stems and graceful, dark green, fern-like foliage. It is commonly known...


Banksia integrifolia

Banksia integrifolia, commonly known as the Coastal Banksia or the Coast Banksia tree, is a small tree grown for its large and showy flower heads....


Banksia praemorsa

Banksia praemorsa, commonly known as the Cut-Leaf Banksia, is an upright shrub grown for its foliage and flowers. It produces burgundy coloured...


Banksia praemorsa Yellow

Banksia praemorsa Yellow, commonly known as the Cut-Leaf Banksia or Yellow Banksia, is an upright shrub grown for its foliage and flowers. It...


Beaucarnea recurvata

Beaucarnea recurvata, commonly known as the Ponytail Palm, is an attractive, small palm that is often grown as a potted plant. It features a trunk...


Beilschmiedia tarairi

Beilschmiedia tarairi, commonly known as the Taraire tree, is a unique, NZ native tree. Its prominent feature are the masses of olive-like, purple...


Buddleia Lochinch

Buddleia Lochinch, commonly known as the Butterfly Bush, is grown for its impressive flowers. This evergreen and fast-growing shrub produces masses...


Buxus Graham Blandy

The Buxus Graham Blandy boxwood is renowned for its columnar growth habit and dark green foliage. The small leaves are held densely off short stems...


Callistemon John Mashlan

Callistemon John Mashlan is a vigorous shrub renowned for its attractive foliage and bottlebrush like flowers. New leaves emerge silver-pink and...

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