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Abutilon Halo

Abutilon Halo, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, features showy, bright yellow, lantern-shaped flowers with red...


Abutilon Lucky Lantern Yellow

Abutilon Lucky Lantern Yellow, commonly known as Chinese Lantern, Flowering Maple, or Parlour Maple, is grown for its dwarf nature and pretty...


Acacia howittii

Acacia howittii, commonly known as the Sticky Wattle tree, is a fast-growing, small tree that is grown for its weeping growth habit. The branches...


Acaena purpurea

Acaena inermis purpurea, commonly known as Purple Bidibidi, Piripiri, or Purple Hakea, is a hardy, NZ native groundcover. The foliage comprises...


Acer Crimson Princess

Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson Princess is an impressive, small, Japanese Maple featuring a rich display of interestingly coloured foliage. The...


Acer Emerald Lace

Acer palmatum dissectum Emerald Lace is an impressive, small, Japanese maple featuring a rich display of interestingly coloured, weeping foliage....


Acer Orangeola

Acer palmatum dissectum Orangeola is an impressive, small, Japanese Maple featuring a rich display of interestingly colourful, weeping foliage. The...


Acer palmatum Chishio

Acer palmatum Chishio is a variety of Japanese Maple grown for its rich display of delicate foliage. Leaves on this deciduous tree emerge...


Acer palmatum Crimson Queen

Acer palmatum dissectum Crimson Queen is a variety of Japanese Maple that features a rich display of colourful, weeping foliage. The finely cut...


Acer palmatum dissectum Tamukeyama

Acer palmatum dissectum Tamukeyama is a variety of Japanese Maple that features a rich display of colourful, weeping foliage. The finely cut leaves...


Acer palmatum dissectum Viridis

Acer palmatum dissectum Viridis is a variety of Weeping Japanese Maple that features a rich display of delicate, weeping foliage. The finely cut...


Acer palmatum Fjellheim

Acer palmatum Fjellheim is an impressive Japanese Maple featuring a rich display of delicate foliage held on colourful stems. Leaves on this small...


Acer palmatum Mikawa Yatsubusa

Acer palmatum Mikawa Yatsubusa is an impressive Japanese Maple featuring a rich display of delicate foliage. Leaves on this deciduous tree are apple...


Acer palmatum Osakazuki

Acer palmatum Osakazuki is an impressive Japanese Maple featuring a rich display of colourful foliage held on gently arching branches. Leaves on...


Acer palmatum pendulum Julian

Acer palmatum pendulum Julian is an impressive Japanese Maple that features a rich display of interestingly coloured, weeping foliage. The finely...


Acer palmatum Shaina

Acer palmatum Shaina is an impressive Japanese Maple grown for its colourful foliage and short stature. The leaves emerge a brilliant red in spring...


Acer palmatum Shirazz

Acer palmatum Shirazz is a smaller variety of Japanese Maple and features a rich display of delicate and interestingly coloured foliage. New leaves...


Acer palmatum Sumi Nagashi

Acer palmatum Sumi Nagashi is a variety of Japanese Maple that features a rich display of colourful foliage. The foliage emerges scarlet red in...


Acer palmatum Ukigumo

Acer palmatum Ukigumo is an impressive, small, Japanese maple featuring a rich display of interestingly coloured foliage. New leaves emerge...


Acer palmatum Ukon

Acer palmatum Ukon is a small and impressive Japanese maple owing to its rich display of colourful foliage. New leaves emerge pale green, age to...


Acer Shidava Gold

Acer palmatum Shidava Gold is an impressive and small Japanese maple featuring a rich display of colourful foliage. New growth in spring emerges...


Acer Shindeshojo

Acer palmatum Shindeshojo is a Japanese or Deshojo Maple, that features a rich display of colourful foliage. This attractive, small tree bears...


Acer Stella Rossa

Acer palmatum dissectum Stella Rossa is an impressive, small Japanese Maple which featues a rich display of interestingly coloured, weeping foliage....


Achillea Anthea

Achillea Anthea is a variety of commonly known, Yarrow or Milfoil, and is grown for its elegant sprays of umbrella shaped, lemon-yellow flowers. The...

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