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Taxus baccata Fastigiata, commonly known as the Irish Yes, is a conifer grown for its attractive foliage and slender form. This evergreen has a...
Telopea Red Embers, commonly known as Waratah, is grown for its large and showy, red flowers which are often used in floral arrangements. The...
Teucrium fruticans is a popular, evergreen shrub grown for its pretty flowers and attractive foliage. Small, dark blue flowers are borne at the tips...
Thuja orientalis Blue Cone is dwarf conifer grown for its interesting and colourful foliage. It features dense and erect sprays of green foliage...
Thuja plicata Green Giant is a smaller variety of the commonly known, Cedar, and is grown for its textured foliage. It bears sprays of glossy, dark...
Thuja plicata Old Gold is an interesting conifer grown for both its form and foliage. The foliage is rich yellow and develops bronze tones in...
Thuja occidentalis Pyramidalis, commonly known as Pyramidal Arborvitae, is an interesting conifer grown for both its form and foliage. It grows with...
Thuja occidentalis Rheingold is dwarf conifer grown for its bright and colourful foliage. The leaves are golden yellow and take on copper tones...
Thuja occidentalis Smaragd, commonly known as the Green, Emerald, or Northern White Cedar, is an interesting conifer grown for both its form and...
Thymus doerfleri Bressingham Pink is a stunning selection of the commonly known Thyme. This low growing, herbaceous perennial is renowned for both...
Thymus Pizza, commonly known as the Pizza Thyme Herb, is grown for both its highly aromatic foliage and great form. The leaves on this evergreen are...
Thymus Ruby Carpet is a variety of Creeping Thyme grown for both its foliage and flowers. The leaves on this evergreen are scented, small, and a...
Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) is an evergreen climber grown for its foliage and fragrant flowers. It carries dense and lush, dark green...
The Chusan Palm (Trachycarpus fortunei), also commonly known as the Chinese Windmill Palm, is a large Palm grown for its showy foliage. It grows...
Tradescantia zebrina is a popular houseplant owing to its colourful foliage and trailing nature. It hosts foliage that is variegated purple and...
Tulbaghia Milky Way, commonly known as Society Garlic or the Social Garlic Plant, is grown for its showy and fragrant flowers. Clusters of...
Typha orientalis, commonly known as Raupo, is a vigorous and erect, NZ native grass. It is found throughout New Zealand in shallow, fertile waters...