Prepare to be impressed with our range, quality, and service. We are passionate about growing plants for our customers to enjoy.
Jasminum mesnyi, commonly known as Primrose Jasmine or Japanese Jasmine, is a scrambling shrub with amazing flowers and fragrance. It features dark...
Juglans nigra, commonly known as Black Walnut or Eastern Black Walnut, is a large, deciduous tree grown for its edible nuts. Leaves emerge a fresh...
Juncus Blue Dart is a popular ornamental grass which is well suited to a range of soil conditions and environments. It has rigid leaves that are a...
Juncus kraussii is commonly known as the Sea Rush and features long, dark green leaves with a golden-brown sheath. The roots are a series of...
Juncus maritimus, commonly known as Sea Rush, is a species of rush that prevails in coastal areas. It has long and rigid leaves that are lime-green...
Juniperus Blue Star, commonly known as the Flaky Juniper, is a very showy, low growing conifer which is often used as a groundcover. It has fine...
Juniperus chinensis Kaizuka, commonly known as the Hollywood Juniper tree or Torulosa Juniper, is an upright conifer with an oriental style. It...
Juniperus procumbens Nana, commonly known as the Japanese Juniper, is a ground hugging conifer that forms a carpet of blue-green, needle-like leaves...
Juniperus Skyrocket, commonly known as the Skyrocket Juniper or Rocky Mountain Juniper, is a popular conifer that grows as a broad column. It...