The Plant Company grows and sells thousands of Coprosma plants throughout NZ. We pride ourselves on producing high quality plants and seeing the joy from our customers when they receive them. We do hope you enjoy them and support this NZ business that is passionate about Coprosma plants.
Coprosma Beatsons Brown is a NZ native shrub that features rich, chocolate coloured foliage. The tiny, glossy leaves sparkle in the sun and are held...
Coprosma Beatsons Gold, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub renowned for the variegated foliage and distinctive, horizontal branching...
Coprosma Black Cloud is a low growing, evergreen shrub renowned for its dark foliage. The tiny leaves on this NZ native are black-bronze and held...
Coprosma Cappuccino, commonly known as the upright or brown Coprosma, features fine, chocolate-brown foliage. New foliage in spring emerges a...
Coprosma Clearwater Gold is a colourful, NZ native that grows as a sprawling shrub. Its prominent feature are the slim, golden stems with a brown...
Coprosma Evening Glow, commonly known as Mirror Bush or Mirror Plant, is an outstanding Coprosma due to its highly coloured foliage. It carries...
Coprosma Gold Splash, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a popular, NZ native shrub that carries large and glossy leaves that are boldly variegated...
Coprosma Golden Glow, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub grown for its highly colourful foliage. It carries small and rounded...
Coprosma Golden Star, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native, evergreen shrub that carries, large and glossy leaves that are variegated green...
Coprosma Green Rocks, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub that is often used as a groundcover. It carries glossy, green leaves which...
Coprosma Hawera, commonly known as Sand Coprosma, is a NZ native shrub that grows naturally in coastal locations. This Sand Coprosma grows as a...
Coprosma Hot Chocolate, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native, evergreen shrub that carries large, glossy, chocolate brown leaves. The leaf...
Coprosma Ignite, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a compact, NZ native shrub, featuring colourful foliage. The small and glossy leaves are a...
Coprosma Inferno, commonly known as Mirror Bush, features highly coloured foliage. It carries small and rounded, glossy leaves that are a mix of...
Coprosma Karo Red, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub grown for its colourful foliage and hardy nature. The lovely textured leaves...
Coprosma kirkii (aka Coprosma x Kirkii), commonly known as Kirks Coprosma, is a handsome and popular, NZ native, ground cover plant. Its horizontal...
Coprosma kirkii Variegata is a handsome and popular, NZ native, ground covering plant. Its horizontal, slender stems, host small leaves that are...
Coprosma Lemon and Lime, commonly known as Variegated Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub that carries small and glossy leaves that are variegated...
Coprosma Lighthouse is a spectacular variety owing to its glossy foliage and semi-prostrate growth habit. The small leaves are bright green and held...
Coprosma Lobster, commonly known as Mountain Coprosma or Needle Coprosma, is a NZ native shrub renowned for its distinctive, lobster-red stems....
Coprosma Margarita, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a popular NZ native shrub that carries small and glossy leaves that are variegated green and...
Coprosma Middlemore, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub featuring lush and glossy, emerald-green foliage. This variety is an...
Coprosma Painters Palette, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub renowned for its multi-coloured leaves which are splashed with pink...
Coprosma Plum Hussey, commonly known as Mirror Bush or Mirror Plant, is a spectacular variety owing to its colourful and glossy foliage. The leaves...
Coprosma acerosa, commonly known as the Sand Coprosma or Tātaraheke, is a NZ native shrub found naturally in coastal locations. It grows as a tight...
Coprosma antipoda (aka Coprosma rugosa) is a NZ native, bushy shrub. It features deep bronze-green leaves on rigid red-orange stems. Female plants...
Coprosma arborea, commonly known as Mamangi, is a small and bushy, NZ native tree that grows to about 12 m tall and 4 m wide. It has thin...
Coprosma areolata, commonly known as thin-leaved Coprosma, is a small, bushy, NZ native shrub that grows to about 2 m tall and the same wide. It has...
Coprosma australis (aka Coprosma grandifolia) is a NZ native shrub grown for its glossy foliage and colourful berries. It features large and lush...
Coprosma Autumn Haze is a NZ native shrub grown for its impressive foliage. The lovely textured leaves are small and green yellow but take on bronze...
Coprosma autumnalis, commonly known as Kanono or Raurēkau, is a fast growing, NZ native shrub. This evergreen features glossy, dark green leaves...
Coprosma Black Velvet, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a popular NZ native shrub that carries small and glossy leaves that are black with a crimson...
Coprosma Bowling Green is an excellent ground covering plant. This NZ native shrub carries small, light green leaves held on thick and spreading...
Coprosma brockii, commonly known as Taupata, is a handsome NZ native shrub that is renowned for its dark stems and green-brown foliage. The leaves...
Coprosma brunnea is a sprawling shrub that grows up to 40 cm tall and 1 m wide. It has brown stems which are flexible and intertwine to form a...
Coprosma Chocolate Soldier, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is renowned for its glossy, chocolate-coloured leaves. The leaves are held on upright...
Coprosma colensoi is an evergreen shrub renowned for its foliage variations. The tiny leaves on this NZ native are held densely on rigid stem and...
Coprosma Copper Shine, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a delightful shrub that features small, glossy leaves that emerge with copper tones, and age...
Coprosma crassifolia, commonly known as Mingimingi, is a stiffly branched, NZ native shrub with small, dark green leaves. This wiry looking plant...
Coprosma Cutie, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a compact, NZ native shrub, featuring colourful foliage. The small and glossy leaves are...
Coprosma Dark Spire is a compact, NZ native shrub that bears small, dark green foliage with bronze undertones. The foliage darkens considerably...
Coprosma depressa (aka Coprosma ramulosa) is a NZ native, ground cover plant. It features small, dark green leaves held on slender branches. It...
Coprosma Fireburst, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub grown for its highly colourful foliage. It carries small and rounded, glossy...
Coprosma Flat Freddy is a NZ native shrub that is often used as a groundcover. It reaches just 15 cm tall and spreads 1 m wide carrying small, green...
Coprosma Galaxy is a NZ native shrub grown for its colourful foliage. The small, green leaves are flecked with gold and held on slender, dark stems...
Coprosma Goldstream is a NZ native, evergreen shrub that is often used as a groundcover. It features small leaves that are variegated green and...
Coprosma grandifolia, commonly known as Kanono, Manono, or Large Leaf Coprosma, is a NZ native shrub grown for its glossy foliage and colourful...
Coprosma Green and Gold, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a colourful and vibrant variety of Coprosma that provides year-round interest. This...
Coprosma intertexta is a bushy, NZ native shrub that grows to about 2 m tall and the same wide. It has tiny, green leaves which are held on...
Coprosma Kiwi Gold is a NZ native shrub that makes a stunning groundcover. It has densely packed, glossy leaves that are variegated dark green and...
Coprosma Kiwi Silver is a NZ native shrub renowned for its small, glossy leaves that are variegated green and cream. The leaves are held densely on...
Coprosma Lawrie Metcalf is a fast-growing and hardy, NZ native shrub. It carries small and narrow, green-brown leaves on a dense network of stems....
Coprosma Little Walter is an evergreen, NZ native shrub that carries small and glossy, dark green leaves that are overlaid with a rich copper...
Coprosma lucida, commonly known as Karanga, Karamu, or Shining Karamu, is a lovely NZ native shrub. It features glossy, green leaves which serve as...
Coprosma Mangatangi is a NZ native shrub renowned for its impressive yet unusual appearance. It is low-growing and carries wiry, yellow branches...
Coprosma Marble Queen, commonly known as Variegated Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub renowned for its stunning, variegated foliage. The leaves are...
Coprosma Matai Magic is an attractive, NZ native shrub featuring lush and glossy, dark coloured foliage. New foliage is dark brown and ages to...
Coprosma Midnight Martini, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a stunning NZ native shrub that carries small and dark brown, glossy foliage highlighted...
Coprosma repens Mini Mac, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a dwarf and compact the NZ native shrub. It features small and glossy, emerald-green...
Coprosma Minogue is a popular and effective NZ native, ground cover plant. It quickly forms a dense mat of glossy, olive-green leaves as it grows to...
Coprosma neglecta is a bushy, NZ native shrub that has a prostrate growth habit. It grows to about 50 cm tall and has trailing branches up to 2 m...
Coprosma Pacific Sunrise, commonly known as Mirror Plant or Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub renowned for its colourful foliage. It features small...
Coprosma Pacific Sunset, commonly known as Mirror Plant or Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub renowned for its colourful foliage. It features small...
Coprosma Paradise Punch, commonly known as Mirror Bush, features glossy foliage that is bright orange with bronze highlights. It typically grows to...
Coprosma parviflora, commonly known as Leafy Coprosma, is a small-leaved, New Zealand native shrub. It features prominent branches with small and...
Coprosma Picturata, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub grown for its impressive foliage. It features glossy leaves that are...
Coprosma Pink Splendour, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub that features glossy leaves that are variegated green and yellow with...
Coprosma Pride, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub that features small and glossy leaves that are copper-green with yellow and red...
Coprosma prostrata is a NZ native shrub that is often used as a groundcover. It carries small and glossy, green leaves held densely on rigid stems....
Coprosma rigida is a NZ native shrub that grows to about 4 m high. It features small, green leaves held on a wiry frame of branches. Orange berries...
Coprosma rotundifolia, commonly known as Round-Leaf Coprosma, is a NZ native shrub that grows to about 3 m tall and 2 m wide. The plants have...
Coprosma Roys Red, commonly known as Mirror Plant or Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub noted for its colourful foliage. It carries small and glossy...
Coprosma rugosa, commonly known as the Needle-Leaved Mountain Coprosma, is an outstanding, NZ native, bushy shrub. It features tiny green leaves...
Coprosma tenuicaulis, commonly known as Swamp Coprosma or Hukihuki, is a NZ native shrub which has the ability to grow in wet soils and even in water...
Coprosma tenuifolia is a fast-growing, NZ native shrub featuring large, green leaves. The leaves will often develop purple undertones as winter sets...
Coprosma tenuifolia Purpureum is a fast-growing, NZ native shrub featuring glossy, green and purple leaves. The leaves will often develop stronger...
Coprosma Tequila Sunrise, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub grown for its highly colourful foliage. It carries small and rounded...
Coprosma virescens, commonly known as Mingimini or Mikimiki, is a twiggy, NZ native shrub. It features small, green leaves carried on a frame made...
Coprosma Wharariki Beach is a NZ native shrub that grows with a prostrate and compact habit to about 50 cm tall and 80 cm wide. It features...
Coprosma Williamsii Variegata is a NZ native shrub that carries long, drooping, layered branches. The leaves are long, narrow, and variegated green...
Coprosma Winter Chocolate features glossy green foliage which turns a dark shade of brown in winter. It typically grows to 1.5 m tall and 1 m wide...
Coprosma Winter Wine, commonly known as Mirror Bush, features glossy, green-bronze foliage which develops dark purple tones during winter. This...
Coprosma Yvonne, commonly known as Mirror Bush, is a NZ native shrub that features glossy, dark brown and green leaves. The small leaves darken to...
The Plant Company has a great stock of high quality Coprosma plants. We appreciate that buying online is somewhat of a leap of faith, given you are putting your trust in us. Please rest assured that we only ship plants that we would happily buy and plant ourselves. Trust in The Plant Company to supply your Coprosma needs and allow us to impress you both with our quality and service. Our impressive Google Rating shows we are good at what we do!
The Plant Company has a large-scale production nursery and produces large numbers of Coprosma robusta plants. If you are after plants, please be sure to contact us for pricing and availability. Our talented staff can not only manage all aspects of getting the plants to you, but any other plant related enquiries you may have. Our impressive Google Rating shows we are good at what we do!
Whether you need assistance finding the plant you’re looking for or you simply want to know more about who we are and what we do, we invite you to get in touch with us today. A member of The Plant Company team will get back in touch as soon as possible.