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NZ Native Trees And Shrubs

NZ native trees and shrubs feature heavily through our nursery and garden designs. Browse our range to find the best trees, shrubs, and perennials for your garden.

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Fragrant Flowers

NZ Native

Coastal Conditions


Acaena purpurea

Acaena inermis purpurea, commonly known as Purple Bidibidi, Piripiri, or Purple Hakea, is a hardy, NZ native groundcover. The foliage comprises...


Adiantum aethiopicum

Adiantum aethiopicum, commonly known as the Maidenhair Fern, is grown for its attractive and soft-looking foliage. The mid-green fronds emerge from...


Agathis australis

Agathis australis (Kauri) is a NZ native that grows into a large and stately tree. The small leaves emerge lime green but quickly age to become a...


Alectryon excelsus

Alectryon excelsus, commonly known as Titoki or NZ Oak, is a NZ native, evergreen tree growing to about 8 m tall and 3 m wide. It carries glossy...


Anemanthele lessoniana

Anemanthele lessoniana grass is a NZ native, ornamental grass grown for its colourful foliage. Slender blades emerge green then develop orange and...


Arthropodium cirratum

Arthropodium cirratum, commonly known as the Renga Renga Lily, is an herbaceous perennial grown for its foliage and flowers. It grows as a clump and...


Asplenium bulbiferum

Asplenium bulbiferum, commonly known as the Hen and Chicken Fern, is a NZ native fern featuring feathery, deep green fronds. The common name arises...


Astelia banksii

Astelia banksia, commonly known as Wharawhara is an impressive NZ native grown for its silvery-grey foliage. The colourful leaves are strap-like and...


Astelia chathamica

Astelia chathamica, commonly known as the Silver Spear Astelia, is one of the largest and most recognisable of the Astelia species. This NZ native...


Astelia Westland

Astelia nervosa Westland features striking and colourful fronds. The new fronds emerge a red-bronze colour and age to become silver-green. It has a...


Beilschmiedia tarairi

Beilschmiedia tarairi, commonly known as the Taraire tree, is a unique, NZ native tree. Its prominent feature are the masses of olive-like, purple...


Carex buchananii

Carex buchananii, commonly known as Leatherleaf Sedge or Brown Carex, is an attractive, NZ native, ornamental grass. It features very fine, brown...


Carex comans Green

Carex comans Green is a NZ native, ornamental grass featuring slender and arching, lime green foliage. It grows as a tidy clump to about 40 cm tall...


Carex dissita

Carex dissita, commonly known as Forest Sedge, is an attractive, NZ native grass that is commonly found in forest, scrub, and swampy areas. It...


Carex Frosted Curls

Carex comans Frosted Curls is a NZ native, ornamental grass that features slender, hair-like, iridescent foliage that shimmers in light breezes....


Carex maorica

Carex maorica is a fast growing, NZ native grass that features bright green, arching foliage. It produces distinctive, brown flower spikes through...


Carex secta

The Carex secta grass, commonly known as Pukio or Swamp Sedge, is a NZ native commonly found in swampy areas. It features slender foliage which is...


Carex solandri

Carex solandri is a NZ native, ornamental grass that features attractive, dark green foliage. The foliage emerges upright and develops a gentle and...


Carex testacea

The Orange Sedge, scientifically known as Carex testacea, is a highly popular, NZ native, ornamental grass with foliage that creates wispy movements...


Carex trifida

Carex trifida, commonly known as the Mutton Bird Sedge, is an attractive, NZ native, ornamental grass. It features arching, green-gold foliage which...


Carex virgata

Carex virgata, commonly known as Pukio or Swamp Sedge, is a fast growing, NZ native grass, often found in swampy areas. It features handsome, bright...


Chionochloa flavicans

Chionochloa flavicans, commonly known as Miniature Toetoe, is a popular and versatile, NZ native grass featuring flowing, green foliage. The...


Chionochloa rigida

Chionochloa rigida, commonly known as Snow Tussock, is a large tussock grass with slender, tawny-green foliage and graceful flower panicles in...


Chionochloa rubra

Chionochloa rubra, commonly known as Red Tussock, is a large and striking NZ native tussock grass. It produces long and slender red leaves with a...


NZ Native Plants

New Zealand boasts a unique and diverse flora, with native trees and shrubs forming the backbone of stunning landscapes. As we add native trees and shrubs to our gardens, it’s not just about aesthetics, it’s about creating biodiversity, a habitat for native birds, and celebrating NZ’s natural heritage. Everyone that has had Tui’s feast on nectar in kowhai trees knows how important such trees are.

Why Plant NZ Natives?

The benefits of incorporating native plants into a garden are numerous:

Choosing NZ Native Plants

With over 2,000 native tree and shrub species, making a selection can be overwhelming. The Plant Company has made this task easy with our [Plant FinderTool]. Simply tick the box for NZ native and then turn on other filters to find suitable options. It is that easy! Otherwise, feel free to scroll through our NZ Native Plant Options.

Contact us

Whether you need assistance finding the plant you’re looking for or you simply want to know more about who we are and what we do, we invite you to get in touch with us today. A member of The Plant Company team will get back in touch as soon as possible.

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