Acacia melanoxylon, commonly known as the Acacia Blackwood Wattle or Australian Blackwood, is an evergreen tree that will grow rapidly to 30 m tall...
Acer palmatum dissectum Green Mist is an impressive, small, Japanese maple featuring a rich display of interestingly coloured, gently weeping...
Aechmea gamosepala Lucky Stripe, commonly known as the variegated Matchstick Bromeliad, features interesting flowers. During summer it produces...
Aeonium arboreum, commonly known as the Irish Rose, is a popular and stunning succulent. It has fleshy, light green leaves that are arranged in a...
Aeonium Velour is a succulent grown for its symmetrical rosettes of variegated, fleshy leaves held on short stems. The leaves are glossy and a dark...
Agave americana, commonly known as Century Plant, Maguey, or American Aloe, is a large succulent that features broad, powder-blue leaves. The leaves...
Agave americana variegata, commonly known as the Variegated Century Plant, is a large succulent that features broad, powder-blue leaves with yellow...
Agave Ray of Light is an excellent selection of the commonly known, Fox Tail Agave. This plant features rosettes of brad, pale green leaves with a...
Ajuga reptans Catlins Giant, commonly known as Bugleweed, Common Bugle, or Carpet Bugle, is an herbaceous perennial grown for both its foliage and...
Ajuga reptans Chocolate Chip, commonly known as Bugleweed, Common Bugle, or Carpet Bugle, is a variety of Ajuga grown for its dwarf habit and...
Ajuga reptans Jungle Beauty, commonly known as Bugleweed, Common Bugle, or Carpet Bugle, is a quick growing, ground covering plant that features dark...
Aloe plicatilis, commonly known as the Fan Aloe, is a small, multi-branched tree that carries succulent, blue-grey leaves with an inward curve. They...
Aloe speciosa, commonly known at the Tilt-Head Aloe, is a handsome succulent grown for its lovely form and foliage. It grows with a solitary stem...
Aloe vera is one of the well-known Aloes with extracts widely used in the cosmetic and alternative medicine industries. It features succulent leaves...
This variety of Anigozanthos flavidus, commonly known as Kangaroo Paw, is grown for its unusual flowers. It produces clusters of tubular...
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana, commonly known as the King Palm, Alexander Palm, or Bangalow Palm, this is a tall and slender Palm Tree from...
Astelia banksia is an impressive NZ native grown for its silvery-grey foliage. The colourful leaves are strap-like and held with a graceful arch....
Astelia chathamica, commonly known as the Silver Spear Astelia, Chatham Island Astelia, or Kakaha, is one of the largest and most recognisable of the...
Astelia nervosa Westland features striking and colourful fronds. The new fronds emerge a red-bronze colour and age to become silver-green. It has a...
Baccharis pilularis, commonly known as Coyote Bush or Coyotebrush, is an evergreen shrub grown for its hardy nature, flowers, and insect attracting...
Banksia praemorsa, commonly known as the Cut-Leaf Banksia, is an upright shrub grown for its foliage and flowers. It produces burgundy coloured...
Beaucarnea recurvata, commonly known as the Ponytail Palm, is an attractive, small palm that is often grown as a potted plant. It features a trunk...
Beschorneria Reality is an herbaceous perennial that features lovely foliage. The strap-like leaves are variegated cream and green, and are held...
Beschorneria yuccoides is an herbaceous perennial that features lovely foliage and impressive flowering. The strap-like leaves are grey-green and...